B's 5x7 developing reel

Annotation 2019-02-06 201924.jpg
Annotation 2019-02-06 201924.jpg

B's 5x7 developing reel

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Straight to the point info:

  • Easy-to-load, 4 sheet, for 5x7 film

  • Works great with manual inversions

  • Fits in a Paterson 5 Tank

  • Made of ABS plastic for chemical and heat resistance.

  • Top rack of dishwasher-safe for cleaning any residues especially if you use it in E6.

  • 3D printed in USA with USA plastics.

For the PDF manual: clic here

If you bought an earlier version that did not come with the extractor, click here to buy it.

Since I had a lot of demand for it, here is the 5x7 version of my reel ! Featuring the same easy loading and using the great Paterson tanks.

Here is a quick loading demonstration for the 4x5 version: